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Welcome to the Tarleton State University Scholarship Applications and Search Website!  We have many scholarships available based on a variety of criteria including academic achievement, financial need, county of residency, and program of study.  You are welcome to explore our list of scholarships at any time.

Scholarship Application Dates:

  • Fall Priority Date - February 15th
  • Spring Priority Date - December 1st
  • Early Consideration for Next Academic Year - December 1st

Check out Tarleton State University's Guaranteed Programs for Freshman and Transfer students!

You will receive an email confirmation when your scholarship application is complete.  When the scholarship committees have completed their selections, selected recipients will receive notification via their Tarleton email regarding the outcome of the scholarship application(s) reviews.



Currently enrolled and newly admitted students use their username and password to log in and apply. 
For newly admitted students, to claim your account: 
1. go to
2. Type in your University ID and birthdate as shown (keep all zero's even leading ones)



If you are a staff or faculty member of Tarleton please login using the below login button and your username and password.



Review Committee

If you are a member of a scholarship committee, please login using the below login button.